adult tennis programs
Tennis is a sport that you can play at any age and enjoy for life. We believe in creating a supportive and encouraging community for all skill levels where you can excel at the game. We are focused on enhancing and nurturing your tennis game, providing great organized and structured practices and match play that concentrate on motivation, love and passion. Join our NRRC family!
Adam Homan
Director of Adult Programming
training programs
Enhance your game with a variety of programs focusing on technique, strategy, point play, and over fitness.
- Men's & Women's Training Program
- Stroke Du Jour
- Clinics

playing leagues
Engage in friendly but competitive match play each week against different players. Men's, women's and mixed doubles leagues are available.
seasonal court rentals
Reserve a court at the same time and same day for 31 weeks.

USTA leagues
Up your psych by joining the USTA league and compete with players all over the state and country.
private lessons
Advance your game and improve your technique with one on one private lessons with our experienced staff.

training programs
Enhance your game with a variety of programs focusing on technique, strategy, point play, and over fitness.
- Men's & Women's Training Program
- Stroke Du Jour
- Clinics

playing leagues
Engage in friendly but competitive match play each week against different players. Men's, women's and mixed doubles leagues are available.

seasonal court rentals
Reserve a court at the same time and same day for 31 weeks.

usta leagues
Up your psych by joining the USTA league and compete with players all over the state and country.

private lessons
Advance your game and improve your technique with one on one private lessons with our experienced staff.