Team Rock Places 5th at ’17 Sport & Speed Nationals
Welcome back! Team Rock, the youth climbing team at The Rock Club in New Rochelle, NY, placed 5th in the nation at the 2017 Sport and Speed Youth National competition. Nationals took place in Kennesaw, GA at Stone Summit Climbing & Fitness Center on July 13th-16th. Kids from all over the country come to compete…

Cardio / Strength Kettlebell Workout; a Sample of Kettlebell Flow
As you may be aware, we have a new class that I personally started teaching called Kettlebell Flow. It encompasses the best of both worlds; cardiovascular fitness and strength all in a 45 minute class. The purpose of the class is to increase calorie burning through a kettlebell workout that keeps you moving with only moderate amounts of rest. A…

Team Rock Dominates at Divisional Championships
Team Rock, the youth climbing squad of The Rock Club in New Rochelle, NY, placed 1st at the 2017 Sport and Speed Divisional competition! Divisionals took place in Randolph, MA at Central Rock Gym on June 17th and 18th. The team collectively scored 1451 points, just about 100 points higher than the second place finisher. While Team Rock won…

Pine Brook Named Top 5 Westchester Family Favorites
Everyone has their favorites: favorite restaurant, favorite gym, favorite food, and so on. Discovering these favorites is exactly what the Westchester Family Favorites Contest is all about. Every year, Westchester Family Magazine holds an annual contest to determine family favorite businesses, activities, and services in Westchester County. The readers have the opportunity to vote for…

Anti-inflammatory Diet Helps Bones of Women
Women who eat anti-inflammatory diets, which are higher in vegetables and fruits, fish, and whole grains, may improve bone health and may prevent fractures, according to research. Data from the Women’s Health Initiative was used to compare inflammatory components in the diet to bone mineral density and fractures. Over six years, women with the least inflammatory…

Total Body Kettlebell Workout
We’re all pressed for time so quick but effective total body workouts are great for anybody. Here’ a total body kettlebell workout that will work every major muscle group in as little as 10 minutes!Perform the following routine for a heart pumping, full body workout! – Double Kettlebell Swings 15x– Renegade Row with Deficit Pushup…

Strive Youth Fitness Program at The Studios in New Rochelle
There’s no debating that we must foster and nurture future generations. Instilling important values into this group is key to creating the next generation of future leaders. The city of New Rochelle has been spearheading this cause with the Strive Leadership Academy. The idea behind the program is to provide dance and positive youth development…

Team Rock Wins ’17 Sport and Speed Regional Championship
Team Rock, the youth competitive climbing squad of The Rock Club in New Rochelle, NY, has captured its 3rd Regional Sport and Speed Championship as they competed against the top youth climbers from the New England West Region. The annual competition was held May 13, 2017 at Rock Climb Fairfield in Fairfield, CT bringing together…

The No Time Full Body Kettlebell Workout
If you’re ever low on time but want a short and effective total body workout then this is for you! Perform 3-10 rounds of the following exercises, depending on your fitness level: We were fortunate to have had Kettlebell Kings provide us with a couple of 35 lb. kettlebells recently, so they are partially responsible for this post.