Music and Exercise

The Magical Feel Good Elixir or a healthy PED Mankind has always been fascinated by music. From the first Neanderthal beating a drum (or another caveman’s head) to soldiers keeping time marching into battle or as a way to celebrate a blessed event, music is ingrained in our culture. We have all been moved by…

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10 Climbing Tips From the Head Routesetter

“Ah! This route is impossible!” Check out some climbing tips below from The Rock Club’s Head Routesetter, Matt Raue. Warm up Take the time to get properly warmed up. Either do laps on a very easy climb, or do some kind of quick (ten minute), light cardio. We have to warm up our muscles before…

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Tennis: Why is it so Addictive?

I have been playing tennis since I was about 8 when my mother drove my sisters and me to lessons. Growing up in Hawaii, it was a year-round outdoor sport. We played wherever and whenever we could. My sister even broke our front door’s screen door because she practiced her serve, aiming

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