Rock Climbing: An Unexpected Discovery
For my 51st birthday, my brother gave me an unusual gift: an afternoon of climbing with my nephews at a local New Rochelle rock gym, The Rock Club. I remember walking in, looking up at the 40-foot walls and thinking, how on earth am I going to do this? Well, it turned out to be one…

Tennis: The Perfect Match
Tennis is an incredible sport and a powerful addition to any fitness routine. The game features various aspects of agility, coordination and strength that even on its own are an incredible workout. There are many lessons that not only hold true on the court, but in one’s life as well. We were able to speak…

Climber of the Month
At The Rock Club, there is no limit to who can excel at climbing. It’s a sport that everyone, 8 to 80, can enjoy and reap the benefits it can bring to one’s life. It’s so inspiring to see climbers progress through the ranks of more difficult climbs, watch them become stronger climbers, as well…

Small Steps That Lead to a Healthier You
Given our busy lives, leading a healthy lifestyle can suddenly seem like an insurmountable task, the likes of having to climb Mt. Everest. Who has time to exercise or make home cooked meals daily? Don’t worry, it most certainly isn’t that difficult. The key to a heathier you is taking small steps that are manageable…

USTA Junior Tournament Updates Fall ’18
It has been an incredible USTA Junior tournament season this year at The New Rochelle Racquet Club. Tournaments are held at the club every weekend where competitors from all over the county compete in a variety of age and level specific USTA sanctioned tournaments. We are are excited to announce that several of the athletes that train at…

Pine Brook Named Top 5 Westchester Family Favorites in 2018
Every year, Westchester Family Magazine holds an annual contest to determine family favorite businesses, activities, and services in Westchester County. The readers have the opportunity to vote for their favorites! The results are in and Westchester has spoken. We are thrilled to announce that Pine Brook Fitness has placed in the Top 5 Family Favorites across 2…

Why Pride Matters at The Rock Club
When I first started working at The Rock Club I wasn’t out at work. Only a small group of friends new I was gay. I was new to Westchester and new to teaching and coaching kids. I was told it was best to keep it to myself for now. This was 2006. I was afraid that the…

In-House Tennis League 17/18 Season Finalists
We’d like to extend a big congratulations to all the finalists in the 2017/18 NRRC In-house Playing Leagues. These are 28-week in-house leagues. Mondays, 3.0+, 12:00-1:30 and Fridays, 3.5+, 11:00-1:00. Friday 3.5+ League Champions and Finalists Friday 3.5+Debbie Singer – FinalistAlison Rubin – ChampionTerri Gifford – ChampionJulie Rubin – Finalist Monday 3.0+ League Champions and Finalists Monday 3.0+Jen…

What are Bouldering Circuits and Why Are We Using Them?
What happened to the V-grades? Don’t worry, we haven’t abandoned them – we’ve just disguised them! Instead of grading each individual problem by the V-scale used in many US gyms, we’ve moved to a circuit grading system much like those used in many gyms throughout Europe and on the West Coast. A circuit grading system…