Tennis: The Perfect Match
Tennis is an incredible sport and a powerful addition to any fitness routine. The game features various aspects of agility, coordination and strength that even on its own are an incredible workout. There are many lessons that not only hold true on the court, but in one’s life as well. We were able to speak with young tennis player Constantin Fleury, an athlete in the Tournament Training Program at the New Rochelle Racquet Club about how tennis has had a lasting impact on his life.
How did you start playing tennis?
I was born in raised in Paris and started playing at the age of six. My father was passionate about tennis and was always a huge inspiration to me. His love for the game was infectious and I was immediately drawn to the sport. We moved to the United States a few years later and I enrolled in a local tennis program where I was fortunate enough to meet Josh Bill, the current Director of Tennis at NRRC. I have been playing for the last 8 years and couldn’t imagine my life without it.
How did your love of tennis grow over the years?
Tennis is a sport that you are alone on the court, no coaches, just you and your opponent, compared to soccer, a sport that I gave up pursuing tennis. This unique aspect has strengthened my mental resolve and proven to be a vital part of my life. I’m also very fortunate for the friendships I have made with my varsity team mates over the years.

How has tennis helped you off the court?
I would always work hard and be prepared for every tournament. After each match, I would analyze the mistakes I made, what I did well, and what could use improvement. This carried over into my studies. It allowed be to be prepared for all situations and objectively determine how I could have done better on a test or a college application.
What is your biggest takeaway from tennis?
Being down in a match and coming back to win has taught me never to give up, no matter how grim the situation may appear. It has taught me to value and respect hard work. The work ethic and discipline tennis has instilled in me I will be forever thankful.